Iman Azimi
Iman obtained his PhD in 2011 from the Lowy Cancer Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. He then joined The University of Queensland as a postdoctoral fellow in cancer research, where he spent seven years working on projects that spanned both basic science and industry applications in the field of breast cancer. In 2018, Iman joined the University of Tasmania as a Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Science and established his independent research group. His research focused on identifying potential therapeutic targets for brain cancers and cellular ageing, with an emphasis on targeting calcium signalling and metabolic pathways. In 2023, Iman moved his research group to Monash University, where he took on a role as a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology. His current research streams include drug discovery for medulloblastoma brain cancer in collaboration with clinicians, the identification of novel targets for controlling cellular senescence, and targeting therapy-induced senescence in cancer.
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