Poster Presentation 37th Lorne Cancer Conference 2025

Small-molecule inhibition of human telomerase (#126)

Scott Cohen 1 , David Teran 2 , Zhiyuan Zhang 1 , James Bouwer 3 , Simon Brown 3 , Tracy Bryan 1 , Michael Parker 2 , Luke Hunter 4
  1. Children's Medical Research Institute, Westmead, NSW, Australia
  2. Bio21 Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
  3. Molecular Horizons Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
  4. School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Randwick, NSW, Australia

Telomerase is the RNA-protein enzyme complex that lengthens telomeres, thereby conferring cellular immortality to ~90% of all cancers, including many paediatric cancers. Because telomerase is undetectable in most normal tissues, telomerase is a prime therapeutic target of exceptionally broad scope through the application of telomerase inhibitors. However, no small-molecule telomerase inhibitors have entered clinical trials.

We have developed a small-molecule telomerase inhibitor that abolishes activity at the low-nanomolar level (IC50 ≤ 5 nM). We have achieved a cryo-EM structure of the catalytic lobe of human telomerase to ~2.4 Angstrom; this is enabling us to further refine potency and specificity of the telomerase inhibitor through structure-based drug design, by acquiring cryo-EM data on the complex of [telomerase + inhibitor].

Furthermore, research from our labs has revealed an interdependence between telomerase action at telomeres and the DNA damage & replication stress response. Given that many standard-of-care chemotherapeutic agents cause DNA damage and/or replication stress, we hypothesise that this interdependence can be exploited to identify and mechanistically define synergistic combinations of telomerase inhibitor with chemotherapeutic agents.